At Square Mile Dental Centre, we can use Masseter Botox to treat temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJD. TMJD is a condition involving jaw clenching and teeth grinding – also known as bruxism – which can go on to cause migraines, persistent headaches, and increased tooth wear. It can be extremely painful and even debilitating for some patients, for whom painkillers might not even offer any relief.
With Masseter Botox, we are treating the cause, rather than the symptoms, however, and patients who take up this treatment invariably experience a huge amount of relief. Masseter Botox treatment involves injecting small amounts of botulinum toxin into the masseter muscle which is in the jaw area. This then weakens the muscles there, stopping the action of grinding and clenching from occurring; therefore reducing and even eliminating the occurrence of headaches, migraines, and tooth wear.